Articles published in The Journal of Adventist Education® (JAE) are archived and backed up on the JAE General Conference server. Web-based versions of articles are archived on the JAE website beginning with Volume 78 when JAE transitioned to digital publication and delivery in 2017. The following entities archive PDF versions of articles beginning from 1909:
General Conference Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research (ASTR)
This ensures that users will be able to access articles from trusted sources. JAE archives can be searched by author, title, issue, or keyword on our Archives page.
JAE articles are also archived in institutional repositories of Adventist universities such as DigitalCommons@Andrews University (Berrien Springs, Michigan, U.S.A.), KnowledgeExchange@Southern Adventist University (Collegedale, Tennessee, U.S.A.), and ResearchOnline@Avondale (Avondale University, Cooranbung, Australia). Authors are free to submit their work to such resources as per JAE’s policy.
First published as Christian Education: A Magazine for Home and School in 1909, JAE was renamed as follows: Christian Educator: A Magazine for Home and School in September 1915; Home and School: A Journal of Christian Education in September 1922; The Journal of True Education in February 1939; and, The Journal of Adventist Education® in October/November 1967 (see entry in the Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventists). The following entities index The Journal of Adventist Education® (JAE):
General Conference Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research (ASTR)