- Articles should conform to the specifications stated in the Author Guidelines.
- Two-part articles will be considered upon consultation with the Editor.
- The material should be double-spaced, using 12-point type, a 70-character line (one-inch margins at top and bottom and right and left), and standard paragraph indention.
- Subheads should be inserted at appropriate intervals according to the CMOS style format.
- All articles must be submitted electronically using MS Word (.doc, .docx) format. If you cannot do so, send it in Rich Text Format (.rtf). Do not submit articles as .pdf files.
- Submit graphs, charts, and other graphics in one of the following formats: .pdf, .pps, .eps, .jpg, .tiff. Please use the highest resolution possible.
- Quotations should be indicated. Please follow the CMOS instructions for the bibliography and endnotes. Endnotes, in numerical order, should include complete bibliographic information: full name of the author, title of work, volume, and number if applicable, city of publication, publisher, year of publication (include month[s] if a periodical), and page number(s).
- Enclose photocopied pages to verify facts and quotations. The information to be photocopied is as follows: the page(s) on which the fact or quotation occurs, the title page of the book or journal, and copyright information. For electronic references, include the date when the Website was accessed.
- Authors should obtain permission to reprint charts, graphs, and photos (see guidelines for submitting "Charts and Other Graphics" below).