Manuscripts submitted to The Journal of Adventist Education® (JAE) are peer reviewed by Adventist educators, educational administrators, and individuals working in the field of education. Peer reviewers are familiar with Adventist education’s philosophy, structure, and history. Most serve as teaching faculty and researchers or provide services within Adventist education and the public sector, including government educational agencies. JAE is an international journal distributed to all divisions of the world church; consequently, our reviewers represent a global corps of educators.
Reviewers are selected by the JAE editorial team, recommended by issue coordinators, or invited based on their areas of specialization and research. JAE
uses Editorial and Production Manager as its manuscript and peer review tracking system.
Upon accepting an invitation to review an article, the reviewer is prompted to create an account in Editorial Manager. From this point on, the system shields the identity of the author and reviewer so the masked, anonymized review process can continue.
The reviewers evaluate the article on a Likert scale of 1 to 5 (with 5 being the highest score) in the following areas:
- Relevance to Seventh-day Adventist teachers and educational administrators worldwide
- Use of research, source materials
- Subject covered adequately and from a defensible viewpoint
- Author’s conclusions/recommendations (if any) are appropriate and adequate
- Overall quality of manuscript (writing, clarity, logic, organization)
Then the reviewers are asked to choose from the following options for Overall Recommendations:
- Outstanding manuscript, accept
- Accept with minor revisions
- Accept with major revisions (please specify)
- Inappropriate topic, refer to another journal
OR - Reject
The reviewers are encouraged to make specific recommendations for revision and are allowed to insert comments and suggestions into the manuscript. They are also asked to suggest illustrations, charts, or other supporting features that would make the article more accessible to readers.
When the Editor has received the peer reviews, the evaluations are combined in the Editorial Manager system. They are shared with the author, along with any comments the reviewers have inserted into the manuscript and the Editor’s recommendations for revising the article.
In cases where the article is part of a theme issue, the coordinator for the issue also reviews the manuscript and makes recommendations regarding revisions.
The author is given time to complete the revisions and resubmit the article.