O banquinho de três pernas
The Seventh-day Adventist Church has a long and firm tradition of education. Abundant counsel from an inspired source has been given from its early history about the influence of home, church, and school and how these three sources influence student development:
Por que educação adventista?
Perspectivas iniciais sobre o valor da educação adventista
The Seventh-day Adventist Church operates a global educational system with 111,476 teachers and 2,064,741 students in 9,589 educational institutions, primary through university. The extent of this school system is a statement of the value that the denomination places on education. However, this was not always the case.
Estratégias de liderança e planejamento estratégico para tempos de crise e além
This article explores components associated with Adventist educational renewal through strategic thinking. It focuses on strategic leadership within the context of Adventist learning institutions and the corresponding characteristics of this approach.
Formação de discípulos figitais:
uma resposta à pandemia
Since the popularization of the Internet, socialization has been happening in the phygital world, a virtual space that bridges the gap between the physical and digital worlds. This model of human interaction intensified during the pandemic. In this article, the authors discuss the impact on discipleship post-pandemic.
O poder do “ainda”
As I stood at the beginning of another school year, I felt more than a little overwhelmed. Truthfully, I was terrified. I know I’m not the only one who has felt this way. We, as educators, are all on a quest to find the “magic formula” that will make us the teacher that our students need.
Ajudando seus alunos a florescer!
Since the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been an increase in the number of children and adults experiencing anxiety and other harmful/draining emotions. More students of all ages struggle to balance their emotions and develop resilience. Flourish! is a tool based on psychologist Barbara Fredrickson's research and an excellent resource to help students cope and thrive.
David McClintock, Canoes, Crocodiles, and Christ: The Story of Haru Hariva
How powerful is the God of heaven? More powerful than the puri puri? Cannibals? Crocodiles? Cyclones? Haru Hariva’s story challenges readers to answer this question at every twist and turn. In Canoes, Crocodiles, and Christ: The Story of Haru Hariva, David McClintock shares accounts of the life of this Adventist pioneer missionary from the South Pacific Division.
A Biblioteca Tiago White comemora o 85º aniversário
The 85th anniversary of the James White Library (JWL) and the current building’s 60th are significant achievements and milestones for the Andrews University community and the global Seventh-day Adventist higher-education system. A summary of the commemoration celebration is shared here.